Wednesday, April 7, 2010

One step closer to Broadband Internet as a Public Utility

A federal court ruled that the FCC lacks the authority to require broadband providers to give equal treatment to all Internet traffic flowing over their networks.

While this is a blow to fans of Network Neutrality, and a short term win for the CableCos and Telcos providing broadband internet services, it's causing the government and FCC to rethink its strategy including acceleration of broadband as a regulated utility. With the belief that its every American Citizen's right to cost effective broadband internet, I believe we're only 5 short years away from "$75 for 100M broadband internet"; provided as a tariffed service with today's service providers reinventing themselves, creating new an innovative services riding on top of this infrastructure.

At the end of the day, this is very good news for business and consumers, its not such good news for service providers that don't "make the turn"; changing their service portfolios and revenue mix to favor value added services in lieu of commodity broadband internet network services.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


What do you think BB providers offer? Do they have to own the content- hence Comcast Disney?

Do you know Pam Berstler?