Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Mobile Visual Collaboration for Business is Here! Cisco's New CIUS Tablet

Time to buckle your seatbelts everyone! The much anticipated mobile visual collaboration CIUS platform has arrived! The Market Transition to the Mobile Enterprise is shifting into overdrive with this new product that enables mobile HD Video Conferencing anywhere.

This announcement is significant in many respects. First, this platform allows companies to use this tablet for all communications (voice, video, email, IM, etc.); providing a bigger screen for visual collaboration and allowing workers to stay connected wherever they are. Businesses can start cutting back on investments in wireline phones as this is the only device you'll need! At the office, the device uses low cost, high bandwidth WiFi, while on the road, will use 3G or 4G connectivity.

Great addition to the many announcements we've heard this past month that are fueling the transition to a mobile workspace!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

One step closer to Broadband Internet as a Public Utility

A federal court ruled that the FCC lacks the authority to require broadband providers to give equal treatment to all Internet traffic flowing over their networks.

While this is a blow to fans of Network Neutrality, and a short term win for the CableCos and Telcos providing broadband internet services, it's causing the government and FCC to rethink its strategy including acceleration of broadband as a regulated utility. With the belief that its every American Citizen's right to cost effective broadband internet, I believe we're only 5 short years away from "$75 for 100M broadband internet"; provided as a tariffed service with today's service providers reinventing themselves, creating new an innovative services riding on top of this infrastructure.

At the end of the day, this is very good news for business and consumers, its not such good news for service providers that don't "make the turn"; changing their service portfolios and revenue mix to favor value added services in lieu of commodity broadband internet network services.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

...en route back from VoiceCon 2010

Coming back from a great VoieCon show. This is definitely the year of "Visual Collaboration" with new innovations coming from Cisco and many others.

Three breakthrough solution areas that are poised to be "game & fame" changers in 2010 are: 1) inter-company video conf & telepresence (in the office, for teleworkers, and on the road), 2) next gen Customer Collaboration centers - aka "contact centers" or "call centers", and 3) Enterprise Social Networking - think of Facebook + Web Conferencing + Team Workspaces.

Check out the VoiceCon site for the recap:

Location:Orlando, FL

Friday, March 12, 2010

Inter-Company Visual Collaboration: At the Tipping Point...

Finally! The market conditions have come together to rapidly accelerate broad adoption of inter-company visual collaboration! Everyone in our industry has discussed benefits of inter-company collaboration (unified communications <=> videophones <=> desktop video conferencing <=> web conferencing <=> Telepresence) but implementations have been limited to "early adopters" and "C-suites" of the Fortune 500.

Although announced in November 2009, Cisco made a splash yesterday as it re-announced its Intercompany Media Engine which gives people business-to-business communications capabilities over any IP network. It’s a new solution that enables boundary-less communications between organizations, including business partners, customers, and suppliers. The idea is to make communications between separate companies and organizations as effortless as it is within a single organization.

With the Intercompany Media Engine, communications travel over an IP network or the Internet, but you use the phones you are already using, the numbers you are already dialing, and the contact lists you have already entered. It doesn’t even matter whether you’re working within or outside of your company. The ease, efficiency, and overall experience of communicating with each other will be exactly the same.

One important benefit of the Intercompany Media Engine is reduced costs. Instead of using the PSTN, the communications path for business to business communications is going to be an IP network or the internet. Because you are using more efficient IP network connections, you can potentially reduce the number of PSTN connections you need.

The relevance of Intercompany Media Engine cannot be understated. IME is positioned to be a "Force Multiplier" in accelerating InterCompany Visual Collaboration which service providers are counting on to drive demand of QoS enabled premium IP network services.

Visual collaboration, after years of constant challenges, became a technology that businesses regarded as difficult and unlikely to be used on regular basis. However, a perfect storm of technological, economic, and environmental developments has brought visual collaboration to the forefront again. To capitalize on this prospect, vendors should be aware of their customers’ applications and requirements in order to develop products, which fulfill clients’ needs. They should also focus on leveraging relationships with strategic channel partners who are successful in providing visual collaboration equipment.

New analysis from Frost & Sullivan, World Visual Collaboration Managed Services Markets, finds that the market earned revenues of $82.7 million in 2008 and estimates this to reach $938.3 million in 2015, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 162%.

“A driver that is most likely to contribute to the growth of the visual collaboration market is the reduction of travel required by a company,” notes Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Iwona Petruczynik. “This can create significant cuts in business costs and help improve productivity levels; employees can conduct their businesses without the need to meet face-to-face with their clients or partners. New models offered by service providers that do not require up-front capital expenditure (CAPEX) by customers are also adding to the widespread adoption of visual collaboration services globally.”

In addition to Cisco, more storm clouds are on the horizon as Avaya, Skype, and others are rumored to be releasing similar solutions soon. The democratization of visual collaboration - I'm a very happy camper indeed! :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Consumer Led Market Transitions: Innovations powering mobile and video

“5 Innovations, Implications, and Imperatives from the 2010 Consumer Electronics Show”

Innovation: Simple and Free Consumer video conferencing

Implications: Conditions the “masses” with easy to use video conferencing from the couch,
The video collaboration market transition has just been accelerated

Imperatives : Accelerates the innovation mandate of both SPs and vendors that sell to them;
It also places a governor on
SPs pricing HD video conferencing too high

Interesting: Skype debuted their service with the #2 player from Japan (Panasonic) and
#2 from Korea (LG)

Yikes! as a proof point of Skype mindshare, they called Cisco’s consumer
TP a
“super-powered Skype

Innovation: Mobile Video Conferencing

Implications: Increases adoption of video conferencing and expectations of VC service from SPs. Will drive demand for “pro-sumer” svc (integrated, “dual personality”; professional & consumer)

Imperatives: SPs must invest in the capabilities to deliver real time, “wired to wireless”, rich media services. Must develop “inter-cloud “ strategy that includes wireless, content, communities.

Interesting:The Dick Tracy impersonator had a watch that worked! …Valentines Day is coming up!

Innovation: 3D HD TVs with Broadband Internet; enabling Web Collaboration w/video over 50” HD TVs

Implications: With the ability to hold multi-point, HD video web collaboration meetings over the internet, from
your living room,
SPs need to rethink their strategies for monetizing residential FTTH services.

Imperatives: SPs need to consider partnerships with web collaboration providers, bundling services,
and integrating social networking (e.g.
via partnership with LinkedIn or Facebook)

Innovation: LG announces Network Computer; 1 PC supporting 31 users (with monitor and keyboard only)

Implications: Accelerates the adoption of managed desktop services. This platform mitigates many risks
that challenge managed desktop profitability. High relevance in customer care, education,
and government.

Imperatives : Service Providers need to evaluate how best to meet their customers demand for managed

Innovation: Sony (and others) introduces TouchScreen HDTV with Internet

Implications: Improves the economics of Digital Media Signage which will in turn accelerate market adoption.
The economics improve further when you add the fact that these TVs can also
enable Internet Video Conferencing… your on-demand shopping consultant coming soon!

Imperatives : Service Providers need to invest now in a full suite of InterCompany Video Collaboration services.